奥地利预计会采用4-3-3阵型,依靠阿瑙托维奇在禁区内的优势匈牙利 likely to will using a 4-4-2 阵型,倚赖 set-pieces as their primary attacking threat双方在中场 likely to will engage in a physical battle with Hungary aiming to disruptAustria's passing game
这是一场势均力敌的比赛,但奥地利的经验和进攻火力可能会成为决定性因素。尽管匈牙利的防守很稳固,但 they are likely to struggle to create enough scoring opportunities against a well-organized Austrian team.预期奥地利将以2-1击败匈牙利,晋级淘汰赛阶段。
奥地利与匈牙利之间的这场中立国球队之战 promises to will be a close and exciting contest. While both teams have shown their strengths and weaknesses in the group stage, Austria is likely to will be the slight favorite based on their superior attacking quality and experience. Should they win, it would be a significant achievement for a nation that has not reached the knockout stages of a major tournament since 1998.